
The UO Mastery Development Model

Hockey is a man's game. The team with the most real men wins.” - Brian Burke

I'm Willing to GIVE YOU a lot of FREE stuff to help YOU reach ALL your Skating and Hockey goals in record time" 

Introducing the Ultimate Officials Mastery Development Model

There is a new type of hockey development model out there called, "American Development Model" (ADM) and it "provides age-appropriate guideline and curriculum to hockey associations across America to help more kids play, love and excel in hockey. Brought to you by USA Hockey, in partnership with the NHL."

What is H-E-double hockey sticks does that mean?

Here is my definition: The NHL wants more Americans in the NHL...on all levels = players, coaches, and officials.

Therefore, the NHL is donating millions to USA Hockey to run this ADM thing. 

It is an evolution of how hockey development will be done.   
The Evolution of Hockey

Ultimate Officials is offering a hockey referee development model to all officials, inviting them to be a part of a winning team.  A winning team of hockey refs includes:

* Skating Development
* Physical Training Advice and Hockey Referee-Specific Plans
* Weight Loss and Strength Training Tips
* Newsletter Series
* Hockey referee-specific game advice, judgment, and mechanics
* Videotaped game supervision
* Access to Ultimate Officials Video Forums and Webinars on a Twice a Month Basis.
* A season-long camp that provides you with feedback and advice to achieve higher levels
* Enjoyment from "hanging around" a GREAT group of like-minded referees.
I have personally spent the last five years developing some of the BEST up-and-coming officials, including providing them access to opportunities they never thought possible.  I also personally have spent time supervising over 120 plus games in a season, videotaping the games and providing lessons for referees. 
Okay, okay…enough B.S. from me, here’s what others have said:
“Just a quick success to share. I have lost 1.5 inches off my waist, yet I have still gained 4 pounds overall. This is exactly what I set out to do. While a majority of people may be looking to lose weight, I am actually hoping to gain weight through muscle mass and gaining definition and strength. So far, so good.  It also goes without saying that my strength gains have been incredible.”
I am going to try not to make this sound like bragging, but I am proud of myself.
I went to Western Regional camp this summer, and had a wake-up call.  I did well and got to work the final day, but finished around middle-of-the-pack and my skating times were below average for the participants there.  I knew that wasn’t going to be satisfactory for the places I want to go. 
My workouts before camp consisted of lots of long-distance running and light lifting.  Its clear that wasn’t working, I knew something had to change so I started doing shorter sprints and heavier leg lifts.
Then JB came with the P90x stuff and the treadmill.  I went through the first round of treadmill and made it through 3.25 weeks of P90x before Officiating Development Program camp.  I have been doing stuff on inlines as well.  Working a lot on trying to get quicker starts as I think that is a big downfall I have, as well as working towards the 3:00 drill.  That is the same thing as the 2.0 Mile run for me.  I train for it a couple weeks ahead of time and then don’t bother with it for a year.

 I got my skating times to top 25% at the camp, shaved what I believe to be nearly ½ a second of my 40yard forward sprint (down to under 5!) got my backward time down as well and added 1.5 laps to the hell-on-ice “3:00 drill.”

I was really proud of that.  During the ice sessions a lot of guys were complaining about the difficulty of the skating, but even though I was tired and breathing heavy, I never felt gassed like last year.  I had stamina for not only the whole 3:00 drill but also the whole camp.  My recovery time has gone down considerably and I feel like I have a much stronger more efficient stride.  My legs no longer felt like jelly each night after camp.
I am not trying to make this sound like a brag sheet, just saying this stuff is working!  I am still up about 3 lbs, down 1” on waist and have 1” up in chest and slightly larger biceps.  I have hoping to double all those figures by the wend of the next 3 week session.  
JR camp went very well. I wasn't quite sure where I stood until Sunday morning when Scott called off the names of people and who they were going to meet with. I was happy to see that I was going to meet with him and Faucette, and that the other officials meeting with him were full-timers/veterans of the program for the most part, made me think, "I'm in the right group here." Anyways, he said that he'll "use the shit out of me around the midwest, and try and move me up as quickly as possible." Don't think I could've asked for more.

Thanks for all the help and I'm looking forward to the next meeting/ice session, whatever it may be. Off for a workout, gotta kick my ass in gear here.

Thanks again,

“I have seen quite a few power skating instructors in my life and JB was by far the most dynamic in his delivery; giving a wide variety of instructional methods and being able to demo them to a tee.  You can tell that his passion for the game reflects in his instruction.”
Chris Allman

This is just a small segment of what the referees who are subscribing to the Ultimate Officials Mastery Development Model.  If you are not a part of this group, you are missing out on newsletters, periodic video and email updates, FREE DVDs and/or Webinars, and ongoing discussion on what it takes MENTALLY to be a Championship Level referee.

WHO: All Hockey Referees Who have been to a Summer Camp -OR- Referees Who Want to Be The Best

WHAT: An Ongoing Hockey Referee Camp that Develops You Over the COURSE OF A SEASON

WHEN: Click on "Subscribe" below and Let's get Going Today!

WHERE: At Your Home, In Your Spare Time

WHY: You Deserve to Have the Best

Sign up now!  The program can be started at any time.  The best of the best are those who always take wishy-washy people allowed. 

Or you can email me:

Tell me: “More Info on the MDM”


"I have been a card carrying member of Ultimate Officials (UO) since the beginning and I wanted to make a quick statement about what it's done for me. 

In a word, it's Awesome.  I have only been officiating for four years - starting when I was 36. I realized quickly that I was behind relative to most officials out there - and I didn't want to work Peewee B games for the rest of my life.  Thanks to my involvement in UO, I have been exposed to some fantastic opportunities which I would not have seen without J.B. and my UO experience. It's also a great group of guys that lean on each other for situation help, work-out motivation, rule interpretation - and we get together socially quite a bit as well. 
It's not just 'old guys' like me. We have a lot of young guys in college who are working in the USA Junior program and are climbing the ladder to work at some of the highest levels in the officiating world, as well as guys in their upper 20s and 30s working high school and college games.
 It's guys from various stages in life and officiating - the common thread being our love for the game and our desire to be the best.

You may be thinking you can't afford it. Let me tell you - if you work hard, you will be exposed to more opportunities than you would have seen without UO and the extra game fees will more than cover the charge. In reality, you can't afford NOT to be part of it. 

It's not for everyone.  If you ref just for the money and don't really care about the game or becoming a better official - then don't bother.  However, if you are hungry and want to work more games and better games, then do yourself a favor and talk to J.B. about it.  You will be glad you did! 
Mike Diebold